Asiatu Lawoyin

Asiatu Lawoyin is a Black, Trans, Agender, Queer, multiply neurovaried (AuDHD, PDAer, & more) sociologist & Spelman College alum. As a professional (late diagnosed) Autistic & Abolitionist, they combine their academic training with their lived marginalized experiences, centered in their Blackness & neuroexpansiveness (coined by IG @ngwagwa specifically for Black neurovaried people). They teach people how to be authentic commUNITY, rooted in accountability, while decreasing harm, which fosters healing & connection via: coaching, consulting, speaking & educating.

Their motto is they “reintroduce people to their authentic selves.” Asiatu has extensive work experience, including but not limited to: resident speaker of Autism in Black Conference, Amnesty International, API Speech-Laguage-Hearing-Caucus, & Wheaton College, Massachusetts. They have also been featured on multiple social media interviews as well as podcasts including “Lived Experiences > Degrees.” Asiatu also was one of a few autistic consultants for the book “Is This Autism?: A Guide for Clinicians and Everyone Else” by Donna Henderson and Sarah Wayland with Janelle White published June 2023.

