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5th Annual PDA North America Conference

Thank you all for joining us at the 5th annual PDA North America Conference with experts Linda K. Murphy, MS, CCC-SLP and author of Declarative Language Handbook and Co-Regulation Handbook,  Diane Gould, Founder of PDA North America, Ruth Fidler, Education Consultant and author, Sally Cat author of PDA by PDAers, Brook Madera of No Pressure PDA,  Zach Morris, Education Consultant for PDAers, Sandra McConnell, PDA Certified Trainer & Parent Consultant, PJ Starling – adult PDAer and PDANA Board Member, and Colleen Hanson speaking on Polyvagal Theory. 

Testimonial: “As we have waded through our understanding of all this, PDA North America has been an invaluable resource. The conference brought so many facets of our experience together. It furthered my intellectual understanding of PDA, brought me a ray of hope in Ruth Fidler’s interviews with Heidi, Evan, and Julia, and connected me with other parents of teenagers who have similar family experiences. I felt seen and understood for the first time in years.”

– Parent to PDAer & 2023 Conference Attendee

Testimonial: “I am blown away with how supportive, informative, educational, respectful, and truly life changing the conference was. I flew across country with my 11-yr old PDA son and a 4-month old baby to attend because I needed to be in a room with people that “get” my life. It was that and more.  This will be a conference I will come back to every year.” 

-Parent to PDAer, 2023 Conference Attendee

2024 PDA North America Conference Sponsors

Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor